Friday, 18 May 2012


There are no people who can be properly described as 'Welsh'. The word Welsh is an insulting epithet meaning, "foreigner", "barbarian", used by pagan, heathen Saxons, who invaded Roman Britain from Germany.

The RomanoBritish were a mixture of CeltoBritish people and Roman soldiers who produced children by local partners, cohabitees, servants, slaves, and wives when they retired and qualified for a piece of land. Many spoke Latin. Many Romans settled in Britain.

The Saxons invaded an advanced, cultured Christian country with extensive world contacts and trade, an extensive quality road system, bridges, schools, major towns, shops, rich villas, developed agriculture and industry. Rich exports of timber, gold, silver, tin and lead, and corn, leather and hides.

All was trashed by the Saxons, and the Dark Ages ensued.

When the Romans defeated a people who surrended and accepted Roman rule, they accepted those people into the Roman Empire.

The Saxons however wiped out those they defeated. Those natives who survived elsewhere would always be denigrated and their culture rubbished or destroyed.

The majority of the invaders were Saxons and fewer were Angles. Because of the extensive hatred of the Saxons and their name, they changed their name to 'English', and 'British'.